June 26, 2015: Tonight Show staff tweet that Grein has injured his hand, effectively canceling his Friday taping. This marks Grein's first ever no show for a taping. Stans fly into a tizzy, assuming the worst, speculating that his hand has been amputated because their precious Artie would never miss a taping otherwise. At roughly 1AM, Grein tweets "cut my hand on glass!!! stiched up & alive. u can't get me mother nature (did mother nature invent glass?)" Lulz.

June 27, 2015: Grein attends Artists for the Arts prom. He skips the red carpet, but photos taken inside the venue confirm there is NO bandage on his hand. Caught in a lie! Reports claim he rallies outside the venue like a truly classy frat bro by puking his guts up on the sidewalk before returning inside to rage on. Sadly no pix of his vomit for his stans to drool over.

June 28, 2015: Grein is spotted at Chinatown bar Apotheke, and refuses to take a photo with two girls who later post about the incident on social media, calling him a messy cunt and claiming he cursed them out for getting too close to him. Stans (henceforth known by the embarrassing as fuq self chosen name of "Freinds") spam both girls until they delete their posts. Order is briefly restored in Freind universe.

June 29, 2015: The Tonight Show begins a two week hiatus. Grein, an avid attention whore, has been silent on social media since the 26th.

June 30, 2015: Grein tweets a link to the weirdest statement I have ever read, claiming he has been suffering from depression for years and he's entering treatment for it. Conveniently leaves out that the place where he's seeking treatment is a luxury rehab facility in the Hamptons, a fact his crazy mom confirms on Twitter. "He's seeking help @ The Dunes. So proud of my boy," tweets Sheila Grein, well known psycho and official GreinHart shipper. Freinds melt down.

Grein arrives at The Dunes. Papz are waiting.

In a thus far anticlimactic ending, Grein enters the facility without incident. Like cockroaches, the Freinds continue to rage on. #freinds4grein is presently trending on Twitter.

source = me

What do you think, ontd? do you support grein? are you tired of rich scummy white men getting a get out of jail free card for everything and anything? do you think you could snort lines faster than this seasoned professional?